Trade-offs and Triumphs 10
Issue 10: Birthday cakes and COVID19 burnout, Revisiting Who We Are Now 2020, and Due Process Institute's Third Annual Two Views Supreme Court Review
Hello, friends! Thank you for subscribing, and welcome to my new subscribers!
I appreciate your time and wisdom.
Welcome to issue 10!
As Brain of “Pinky and the Brain,” often famously asked Pinky, “Are you pondering what I’m pondering?”
Let’s find out.
Birthday Cakes, Coffee, and COVID19 Burnout
As we enter the last quarter of the year - Halloween, Thanksgiving, and the holidays are just around the corner - it seems that everything COVID19 will never end. And, it seems almost impossible to find that extra bit of “surge” to push through the last quarter.
Time to reframe.
Evidently, according to science, it is true - there are three stages to stress, and most of us are probably in the final stage of exhaustion:
the alarm reaction
the stage of resistance
the stage of exhaustion
To get past this final stage of exhaustion, or at least manage it, here are some helpful tips to “reframe” your energy:
Focus on maintaining and strengthening important relationships
Focus on what you can do right now, not what you can’t
Focus on what life holds for your right now
Focus on new and old activities that fulfill you
So since March, I have been focused on strengthening relationships with loved ones, especially the ones who live with me - my parents, dog (Athena), and my brother, Jerry.
And, since birthday cake makes me happy, it was convenient that my brother celebrated his birthday last week, and I got to gobble cake.
Happiness also comes in the form of good coffee. Coffee anyone? - check out Flow State coffee, which is supposed to improve creativity and productivity.
Revisiting Who We are Now 2020 - Stories About Ordinary Americans
As November 3, 2020 - Election Day - waltzes closer, my friend, Michelle Fishburne, continues her journey across America in her RV, seeking to find the best in people who have made major trade-offs but still experience triumphs. For her and for so many of us, 2020 has been a year like no other: COVID-19, lockdowns, unemployment, bankruptcies, online schooling, BLM, protests, Election 2020.
Yet, as Michelle observes, we are getting through it. She is a leader and go-getter, and is capturing and sharing capture the stories of ordinary Americans who are putting one foot in front of another during this extraordinary time. Ordinary Americans who are living, striving to pull the pieces together and keep on trucking, even when the odds seem against them.
The experience has been unique for each person. Restaurant owners, musicians, medical workers, homeless people, yoga instructors, hairstylists, teachers. The list goes on infinitely. For each, the trade-offs and the stakes are different - for some it only requires minor sacrifices, but for others, it means the difference between life and death.
So, Michelle is wandering across the country this fall to collect these stories and share them so we all can feel a little less alone in this sea of uncertainty and be inspired to be the leaders who will actually implement change - change where we learn to take care of one another, and appreciate the larger community that we live in together.
Digital handshakes. Photos. Re-discovering our humanity, and what we share in common. Dreams, hopes, desire, disappointments, and picking ourselves up again. Seeking redemption.
Here are screenshots of posts from Michelle’s LinkedIn feed:
Right now, everyone is making trade-offs - but let’s also take a moment to celebrate everyone’s small triumphs, and enable those who are having to make major trade-offs still savor a triumph or two through the struggle.
Check out Who We Are Now 2020 at:
Due Process Institute’s 3rd Annual Supreme Court Review - Tuesday 10/6/2020 at 1pm ET
But our ability to make trade-offs to experience small and large triumphs depend on the rule of law, and all three branches of government honoring and following the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
What exactly is the Constitution?
What is our Bill of Rights?
And why do they matter so much when it comes to criminal due process and our liberties? How does the U.S. Supreme Court’s interpretations of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights affect justice reform and our rights?
On Tuesday, October 6, 2020, Due Process Institute + Clause 40 Foundation will host their 3rd Annual Two Views program. This virtual event will explore the key criminal law cases from the U.S. Supreme Court's upcoming docket. Stanford Law Professor and Kirkland & Ellis’ Erin Murphy will discuss the implications. Their discussion will be followed by a live Q&A session drawn from the audience’s questions.
Have any questions or comments? Let’s chat!
Want to exchange some thoughts over Twitter? You can find me @jennykim
Check out my website for more:
See you next week!
And remember to find that trade-off that will lead to that triumph this week, no matter how small, and celebrate it.